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“The solution to the problem of the protection and the improvement of the artistic heritage is an institutional duty that the nation carries out through the “Soprintendenza”, but at the same time citizens are mandates and beneficiaries of its tutelage. Therefore, you must be pleased when citizens, and lovers of beauty convene to carry out a task concerning the integration and support for the protection and improvement of such heritage” (Ruggero Martines, “le tombe dipinte di Tarquinia (the painted tombs of Tarquinia) a non-profit association, extract from the Quotidiano – May 28, 2013.)

The Association was founded in accordance with the “Soprintendenza of The Southern Etruria's Archaeological Heritage” (a regional office connected to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities) to promote the preservation and improvement of the UNESCO archaeological site of the “Painted tombs of Tarquinia”

The Association intends to:

promote the safeguard, tutelage, improvement and the study of the painted tombs in Tarquinia by searching for funds and involving Authorities, Institutions, Universities and private citizens that have the same common interest;
place the associates' specific professional competence and expertise for Authorities, and Institutions and cooperate for the attainment of the goals of improvement and tutelage of the heritage;
divulge for cultural and scientific purposes the cognitive heritage of post-mortem documentation of the painted tombs in Tarquinia;
use the Data-bank, previously deposited at the “Soprintendenza” by Dr. Adele Cecchini concerning the technique of execution and the conditions of the tombs that are are currently accessible by specifically updating the “case sheets” of every individual tomb when necessary;
promote, along with the “Soprintendenza of The Southern Etruria's Archaeological Heritage” research programs and exclusive technological trial testing and technical assistance for associates or whoever makes a request, providing them with the appropriate technical documentation for eventual measures to be taken concerning the safeguard and tutelage and make available products and technology that they deem necessary through terms and conditions established by the Administrative Authority;
invent, design and combine to bring about the dissemination and research on the state of conservation and the operational techniques of the Tombs of Tarquinia in order to effectively contribute to their tutelage, maintenance, preservation, restoration and improvement;
support the ethical research on the main scientific techniques together with other professional Associations;
create brands which guarantee and distinguish the products, the technologies and eventually machines or instruments used in the conservation and restoration of hypogea environments;
contribute in promoting knowledge of recovering the archaeological heritage of Tarquinia, through a careful action in locating, selecting and classifying the tombs according to the previous experiences in archaeological research and collaborating with other institutions, associations and organizations.