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cold to see

Madhvi Saxena

It is very cold hereFingers are not working and still the temperature is near freezing pointbut either you have to work or survive…

by madhvi-saxena

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Madhvi Saxena

Have you thought or attempted of killing yourself? My own answer NO. No matter how messed up my life is or no matter how big my p…

by madhvi-saxena

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began to earn

Madhvi Saxena

Ever since the entrance of 2015, I have been busier than ever before. I can say I used to not prepare for things and used to be a …

by madhvi-saxena

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a poem to read

Madhvi Saxena

More words sometimes Obscure the truth They point the way in To your once private booth. Keep it quiet, Keep it locked Lest your…

by madhvi-saxena

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destiny for you

Madhvi Saxena

life is full circle first sad then happy then again sad and so on you can say win or lose then win so on But without effort the li…

by madhvi-saxena

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positive mind

Madhvi Saxena

all that being prodictive and creative we no need to be in tense or depressed atmosphere. We need to be open minded. Narrow minded…

by madhvi-saxena

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see the pretty

Madhvi Saxena

This hollywood Movie makes me understand the love and romance The relation between man and woman showed with ultra emotional way a…

by madhvi-saxena

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