10 Big Secrets Successful Online Workers Keep for Themselves

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10 Big Secrets Successful Online Workers Keep for Themselves

Video Credits: Video Advice via YouTube



Image Credits: Sharon Lopez via Bitlanders


A Promise of a Bright Future


Image Credits: Geralt via Pixabay

The promise of having a successful online career is so enticing that more people are aiming towards this path. No wonder many individuals regardless of education, nationality, and interest, are aiming to secure a place in the online field. The possibilities are endless and the potential is immeasurable.

However, not everyone is getting the success they are hoping to achieve. It' s a complicated world and only those who possess an exceptional skill, ability and superb personality and work ethics will be able to make it. 

The biggest question is, Are You Ready to Face the Challenges?

The Challenges


Image Credits: NeuPaddy via Pixabay

We learned from a friend that online working is a good way to earn extra money or can be a source of a decent income. We read from the newsfeeds that we can earn great amounts, even greater than we are earning offline. Some information shows that there are online workers who are even earning hundreds of thousands! Wasn't that enough to capture your attention? 

So you tried and found out that it wasn't easy. You even say, how can that be possible?

And slowly you lose the enthusiasm. You questioned your ability. And you settled on the idea that working online is not for you. 

For those who are thinking that working online and becoming successful in this field is a piece of cake... think again.

As the popular quote states

"Success cannot be achieved overnight"

We need a lot of hard work to do. We need to plan, execute, fail, recover, plan again. The hurdles, obstacles, and difficulties are enormous.

Don't think that success came easy for Jack Michael Arrington, the founder of TechCrunch, and considered one of the most powerful people on the internet. Does it ever come into your minds how Pete Cashmore, Mario  Lavandeira (Perez Hilton)  and other successful bloggers have made it to the top?

I don't think they achieved success without experiencing difficulties. Because, if everything will be that easy, then everybody else will be doing it.

Read more about the Top-Earning Bloggers in the World written by Tauseeq Magsi

So, here are 10 Big Secrets successful online workers are doing in order to achieve online success:

If you have these qualities, then you are on the right track.

(1) They Love What They Do


Image Credits: Free-Photos via Pixabay

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life

Confucius (Philosopher)

This quote about finding a job that you love is repeatedly shared in different media. I bet you heard and read this many times already.  What it has to do with achieving an online success is something that we should be enlightened with. 

A person who truly loves what he is doing will never get tired doing the same thing over and over. Example are people who love music, art and other similar activities. They have a great interest in the activity and are always looking forward to the time they would be doing the said activity. A day won't be complete if they can't do the thing they love.  It's a passion. 

What does it mean? 

Simple. If we will be doing this activity because of money, forget it. Because we will get tired easily especially if we couldn't get immediately the desired result. 

So, analyze yourself before jumping in and devoting your time and effort. 

(2) They Are Not Afraid To Try Out New Things


Image Credits: Geralt via Pixabay

Successful online workers are not afraid to fail. Trying out new things involve great risks and can cause failure. If we are the type of person who is willing to risk and afraid to fail,  then we are likely to achieve success on this field.

(3) Successful Online Workers are Persistent


Image Credits:  26057 via Pixabay

Engaging in something that has no assurance of success will certainly gain opposition especially from our family.  Difficulties will be encountered along the way which may cause us to be discouraged. 

A successful online worker will never be despair despite disapproval and difficulties.

(4) They manage their time well

Time management is essential if you want to be successful online. Destructions are present anywhere, even online. Failure to manage your time well may ruin everything that you have planned.

Related Post: 4 Must-Have Skills You Need as a Blogger

(5) Resourceful


Image Credits: Pavlofox via Pixabay

Being able to do the job expected of us despite the limited resources, such as time and financial, that we have is an indication that we are resourceful enough and are capable of handling problems. Resourcefulness, combined with other qualities enumerated herein will assure success. 

(6) They are Consistent

A successful online worker will continuously do the work despite facing difficulties. There are individuals who always start but never finish a job. If we have this work attitude, forget about online working. The chances of failing if this is the case is great. 

(7) They Possess Exceptional Work Ethics


Image Credits: Stevepb via Pixabay

Similar to an offline job, working online requires us to deal with different situations. To be truly successful in your online career, we should be strong enough to handle work pressure, cooperate with others, communicate and collaborate.

(8) Open to Criticism


Image Credits: Johnhain via Pixabay

A successful online worker should be open to criticism. People have always something to say. Although criticisms may help us improve our work, the manner it was delivered might be hurtful or painful. If we are too soft-hearted, this feedback may affect our productivity. 

In order for us to gain success in this field, we should learn to be strong. 

(9) Provide High-Quality Work


Image  Credits: Geralt via Pixabay

The output we deliver will always be the basis of our rise or fall.  A successful online worker always aims to deliver the best output. 

(10) They Don't Stop

Lastly, a successful online work will not stop working for the achievement of the goal no matter what. The may not always achieve a favorable result. A small failure should never be the reason for quitting. Remember, you will only be considered a failure when you quit. Quitting should never be an option. 

On the final thought...

Following the qualities of the successful online workers as enumerated herein may help you achieve success in this field. Though it may not guarantee 100% percent success. You and you alone have direct control over your life.  You may apply your own strategies if you think those are better.  These are only suggestions and you may choose to follow or not. 

If you find this blog post helpful, please do share it to benefit others as well. 

Here is another video which could give you additional information about success:

Video Credits: Nightingale Conant via YouTube

Thank you for reading. Have a great day! 

Meanwhile, here is a Querlo Chat for you...

Written for Bitlanders
by: Sharon Lopez

Thank you for reading. 

Please visit my BLOGS more quality information. 

Sharon Lopez is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Banking and Finance and currently working in the government handling programs on Business Friendly and Competitive LGUs.
You may visit me on Facebook


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