Advanced English

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Today's classroom teachers Vova have some time to plan. The teacher and the students have to prepare all situations that may occur to the class takes place is "safe". Half an hour passed smoothly, even 15 minutes remaining, the teacher asked students last question:
- Now she will write an English sentence on the board, they try to translate it into Spanish, okay!
The teacher was writing the sentence unfinished chalk fall, she bent down to pick up and continue to write for the finish.
- And now someone will translate this sentence?
Vova immediately raise their hands. The teacher was incredibly nervous, looked around the classroom but outside Vova is no one raised their hands at all. Vova designated teacher had said.
Vova is confident:
- The teacher's here pretty jump ?!
- What? I immediately out of the classroom!
Vova finished collecting books and teacher whispered to attend now:
- I did not know, do not remind me all right!


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