Afghanistan Natural Resources

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Afghanistan is a  country full of natural reserves.According to a study on Afghanistan stated that about forty million years ago the tectonic plates of India,Europe,Asia and Africa collided as a result created the massive mountaineous belts that now includes Afghanistan.Mining in Afghanistan is governed by the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum and so far huge progress is been made to look for sites with mineral Reserves.Afghanistan has got over 1400 mineral fields which contains Gold,Copper, Coal ,Naturalgas,Petroleum,Iron ore etc.The survery done in 2012 estimated about $3 Trillion worth of Natural reserves in Afghanistan.

Mineral Resources is proving to be the strength behind the emerging economies of the World.The Afghan mineral and petroleum were working in a very small scale which were not enough for the local market.The Government has decided to expand the operations and to look for new markets in other parts of the World to provide stability to the economy.According the Ministry of Mines latest survey the estimated revenue from the Afghan Reserves In 2025 will be about $1.2 billion per year which will increase gradually to $3.5 billion.There are six lapis(Lajward) mines in Afghanistan with the biggest located in Badakhshan and about 12 copper mines with Aynak located in Logar province.Acording to the US geological survery there are are 8 billion barrels of oil deposits between Balkh and Jawzjan Province of Afghanistan. Afghanistan started producing oil in 2012 which are extracting about 1.2 million barrels anually and Afghanistan will have its first oil refinery in 2015.There are about half trillion cubic metre of liquid Gas reserves present in Afghanistan and which will be enough for use in vehicles for about hundred years.There are natural gas reserves in Herat ,Helmand and Kundoz provinces which can fulfill the natural gas requirement of the Country.

There are also more hidden reserves which are yet to be discovered.According to a survery who believes there are Uranium reserves in Helmand.We are going in a right path and further exploration are possible if we stay stable for some period of time.We can see alot of Countries in the World who have done huge progress due to the Natural resources such as the Arab world.Stability is the main concern and if we go through the barrier then we will be able to export our minerals to the world which will provide us with the required economic stability and to be self dependent country.


About the author


A social worker by profession and graduated from Layas institute Melbourne,Australia

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