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It has been four hours since we started hinking in the jungle of the Ancients. Rafi and Leena were getting tired and they were begging our guide, shayan, to stop for a rest. I too felt that we could do with a break from the long walk. In reply shayan said that he was looking for a suitable place for us to camp for the night. We were tiring fast and the minutes spent looking for a camposite felt like hours. At last, shayan stopped. Pointing to the entrance of a cave, he said “ we shall set up camp here.”


As we were preparing diner an earthquake rocked the cave and before we could react, rocks started to fall. Instinctively, I dashed to the cave entrance as swiftly as a deer and managed to escape. When the earth had stopped shaking, I looked around to see where my friends were. To my horror, I realized that large rocks had sealed the cave entrance while my companions were still in the cave.


I had to think of a way to help them. My thoughts were interrupted by loud hissing. Peering into the moonlit jungle, I was alarmed to see a pair of colorful feathered serpents heading towards the cave. Each of these reptiles could spit venom and its aim was as accurate as an archer’s. Anyone whose bare skin came into the slightest contact with venom would die in agony within minutes. I had to act fast. I knew that I was left with only one choice.


To use my gift of taking the form of any animals that I desired. Except for my brother, no one knew that I had this unique ability. I had learned when I was very young that I would invite trouble if I made my gift known. Fortunately, under the current circumstances, I could still help my friends without revealing my secret. I closed my eyes and imagined that I was a Fanged Eagle, the only bird that could prey on the deadly reptiles. In an instant, the transformation took place. As instinct took over, my senses were flooded with the violence of the kill. After that, I fell, unconscious.


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