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The asparagus or asparagus - Asparagus officinalis is an exceptional delicacy vegetables, taste, depending on the quality of production.
Originating from Asia Minor, there were already cultivated 2,000 years ago. According to existing records are cultivated by the Romans as early as 200 BC In Europe, their popularity increased at the end of the 16th century
Why not harvested asparagus at home? We need only go where you can cultivate many years of delicious, homemade asparagus. The highest price achieved at the gourmet market asparagus grown in Germany and France. Richer are wild asparagus with vitamins and minerals, but it is difficult to accumulate as they grow often in inaccessible or hard to reach places. Unlike wild asparagus, with planted at home you do not have a lot of work.
Why not harvested asparagus at home? We need only go where you can cultivate many years of delicious, homemade asparagus. It is true that wild asparagus, which can be found on the slopes of forests and bushes much more tasty.
Propagated by the seedlings, one-year rhizomes and seeds
They can best be planted with rhizomes, which should be approximately the same size. Yield will also collect the last year after planting. Varieties are important. Some of it is better performance.
White varieties are more delicate flavor than green, but the market appears more purple variety.
Asparagus is a perennial and can grow on the shaft of up to 20 years. It thrives in soil rich in humus. Selected for planting go where there was previously no roots or tubers. the right time for planting when the soil is 12 ° C. Asparagus planted in channels or ditches depth of 15 to 25 cm at a distance of 25 cm. Rhizome lavished part facing out. Gradually add the ground, depending on how quickly the seedlings grow.
At the end of the season, the shaft is straight
At the time of growth is added to the mulch go to preserve moisture and prevent growth of weed. In the first year does not cut the stems. In the summer grows a lot of leaves, which in autumn, when crippling turn yellow. In the spring going leveled and add compost. The harvest will be collected as early as next year.

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I am studnt of Computer Sciences

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