Benefits of the Survey Chat and Reasons Why WE Should DO It

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Hello awesome people of the bitLanders community. Once again, I am showing my support to the site’s latest venture and would be writing about the double-reward-points topic, the …

bitLanders Survey Chat

(Image is captured and edited by jikZ)

 As many of you probably have read from my previous post (The Awesome jikZ Experience Answering the bitLanders Survey Chat), that blog focused primarily on my initial observations when I answered questions of the given survey.

In that post, I have highlighted the following aspects:
• Mechanics of the bitLanders Survey Chat
• What are common topics covered
• How long it took me to complete 47 questions

Anyway, this post is still about the Survey Chat – but this blog will focus on why, just LIKE ME, you should also participate in the survey. You see, I have already seen various posts discussing the details of the Survey Chat – how it works, how to begin, how to monitor earnings, etc…

Unfortunately, many of those published blogs did not explore the different advantages of answering the survey. Some members might be wondering what are possible or other benefits of participating in the survey aside from the bitMiles rewards.

Well, ponder no more, because this post will showcase the different benefits and will enumerate numerous reasons why YOU – as a good standing member of the bitLanders community should partake in the latest feature of the site, the bitLanders Survey Chat.


The survey is 4M

Let me start with the most awesome reason why you should participate in the survey (in fact, it is also the most obvious one). Personally, I see the survey as 4M. It Means More Money for the Members. This basically entails that answering the survey contributes to a member's earnings.

(Image is captured and edited by jikZ)

Let's face it, the site's legitimate rewards system is one of the major reasons why bitLanders have attracted thousands of members around the globe. Naturally, if the site will offer something that will put more money in your pocket, then the most logical thing to do is to grab it – seize that opportunity to accumulate more rewards by doing the survey chat.

UPDATE as of Posting Time

It seems that aside from Hillary, other members of the bitLanders staff are now also conducting the survey. These are Micky and bitLanders. In fact, be on the special look out for the bitLanders bot as he seems to give out higher rewards (30BM). Please see provided screenshots below:

(Image is captured and edited by jikZ)


Equivalent to a bunch of mini Treasure Boxes

I'm sure many members are familiar with the mini treasure boxes found on posts seen in the homepage containing the bitMiles logo. If by some instance you are not familiar with such (or that you are new to the site), I have taken the liberty of providing some excellent screenshots.

(Image is captured and edited by jikZ)

As can be seen on the above photo, these mini treasure boxes are worth 10BM (bitMiles). Many members hunts for posts with the bitMiles logo by scrolling down on the homepage and making sure they did not missed any posts having these tiny bundle of rewards. Although it is fun to look for these small boxes of money, it can be quite tedious and relatively time consuming.

This is the reason why the bitLanders Survey Chat is great news for site members. Each question on the survey is worth 10BM (the same reward value given by small treasure boxes). However, the survey chat offers the awesome benefit of being simultaneous and convenient. Instead of tediously looking for mini treasure boxes, survey questions are instantaneous and comes in the form of choices. A user simply have to choose from the given choices and afterwhich, Hillary will reward the member with 10BM .


Convert Your Time To Rewards

Since the response to the questions comes in choices, the user will have a quick time answering a question. Needless to say, participating in the survey is NOT time consuming. In fact, the site is quite lenient by allowing members to answer the survey at any time of the day that is convenient for them.

(Image is created by jikZ)

Additionally, if the member was not able to answer all the questions in one sitting (say they have to log off the GC and do something important), they can resume the answering the survey at a later time of the same day.

Anyway, to give out a conservative estimate (and one based on my personal experience answering the survey), it took me less than a minute to answer one question. Thinking about it, I did not even consume 15 minutes to finish 47 questions. To put it in simpler terms, this is the reason why, the Survey Chat is an excellent way to convert a little amount of your to time to financial rewards.

Relevant and Interesting Topics

Unlike any other forms of survey, a member will surely have a great time answering the one provided by bitLanders as the questions usually cover relevant and up-to-date areas of interest.

The major topics normally involve politics, technology, education, and sports. Furthermore, the topics are usually drilled down to the most interesting ones like questions relating to the US presidency, cricket updates, the legal case between Apple and the FBI, etc...

The topics are interesting enough that members who do not even have the slightest idea of a particular subject will surely research about it after answering the survey.

Not Compulsory but highly Encouraged

As mentioned, bitLanders is not like other sites who enforce rules and activities with an iron hand. One aspect of the site that we should be grateful for, is its leniency and giving the members the freedom to just about anything as long as it is confined in the rules of the site.

Even though participating in the survey is not mandatory, I would personally encourage utilizing this new awesome feature from bitLanders. FYI please that this post (bitLanders Tip: Features In The Site That You Need To Know) contains additional features of the site that you should also be aware of.

Anyway, aside from its financial advantages, we should still answer the survey to show our appreciation and support at the site. When we partake on activities offered by bitLanders, there is a mutual benefit for both parties – for us members and to the site as a whole.

(Image created / edited in part by jikZ - other portion borrowed from Google Images)

Your Opinion Matters

Another great reason why we should participate in the survey is because the site respect and values our opinions. If you think about it, bitLanders offers the survey to each member – and not just to a selected few. This only shows that each of our opinions matter. Naturally, it's nice when our thoughts and opinions are valued as it gives us a certain feeling of importance – it gives out the feeling that we contributed something substantial.

Doing the Survey is Easy

Finally, we arrived at the last reason why we should participate in the bitLanders Survey Chat – it is EASY.
Technically speaking, surveys are neither easy nor difficult. Surveys requires one's opinion on a particular subject matter so basically there are no right or wrong answers – there's just familiarity or having knowledge of the topic being asked. Anyway, I won't delved much on the explanation as I have already done so quite exhaustively on my previous post.

But what I'm trying to say in this portion of the post is that partaking in the bitLanders Survey Chat is a great idea since it is one of the easiest way to earn rewards in the site.

Well, that's just about it. Log in now at the GC (Global Chat) and have fun answering the survey. Once your done, you can check and monitor how much you've earned through the Wallet Movement section. This particular section can be found by clicking the "Details" button of the "My Rewards" page. Below is a screenshot for reference.

(Image is captured and edited by jikZ)


By the way, just in case you logged in at the GC and did not see Hillary, Micky, or any other staff (chatbot) who are conducting the survey – don't worry as you are not alone.

As can be seen on the video below, I logged in to take the survey said staff members did not also show up. This just means that I can take the Survey Chat later.

 (Video is created and edited by jikZ)

About the author


nothing about jikZ is interesting.
Now that's interesting (*'▽'*)
K. Thanks. Bye. *poof* magic jikZ is gone to wander around bitLand :D

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