Can we count on your support?

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Can we count on your help fellow MDF supporters? Donations for the playground and sunflowers are coming in but just barely. We can do this!, Just like everything else we have always managed to make it happen but we cannot do this without your support.
Everyone loved the Sunflowers made by the children displayed at Forest lawn last year and we thought this should be a annual gift to Michael. The Sunflower Playground is in honor of Michael and the kindergarten school would not have that special touch without all the elements of healthy play and exercise. Michael would have added his touch you all know this. lets do this for Michael and do it the way he would have wanted to do it. Because the Fans and friends of Michael are building this school we think MDF should be a part of this great project too.. Mothers AURA Foundation is doing all they can to provide a school and an environment for their children with what they have.
We can help and make a difference don't you think so? Please donate today.…/home/item/152
We have several projects going on at the moment. Michael's Dream Box will always be taking donations as we travel around the world. The general fund keeps MDF afloat and the hospital fund builds for the future. The sunflower project is sponsoring the project so that the flowers will be transported and placed at Forest lawn for Michael's Birthday this year.
This will be done first and the remainder will go towards the playground project. There are ways to save both us and you money as follows:-
No fee's are taken out from PayPal if you use the eBay giving link
Amazon smile a % of your buy will go towards MDF if you use the link, costs you nothing.
Bit charities you can earn and donate to MDF
Many ways to donate also include sending new wrapped toys and books to MDF HQ address.
Crocheting or knitting bed slippers and hats for children in hospital. instructions are on our website in the busy bee Corner along with many creative ways to make and sell to raise money.…/f…/busy-bees-corner
Good360 you can donate towards MDF's wish list to help pay for admin costs for bulk toy buying for the Dream Box deliveries.…/wish_list/index/view/wishlist_id/5060/

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