Creator of the Universe #Allah

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                         In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

Creator of the Universe is Allah ... He is the only one. He create human being, animals, birds, trees, sky, earth all the great and the small. He never sleeps. He creates the world for the purpose of worship that people should bow to Him and pray to Him. He creates the Jannah and the Hell. He knows each and every thing. He can Hear, See and Talk. He send about  one lakh and twenty four thousand  messangers to the different areas at different situations to guide peoples to worship Allah. There are countless Angels that worship Allah all the time. the first person He created was Hazrat Adam to whom Angel bows for the first time. When Allah wanted to create Hazrat Adam He Said "Kun( Ho Ja ) Faya kun ( Pas Ho Gya )" . When the devil was asked to bow Hazrat Adam he rejected and proud himself that he is better than Hazrat Adam and he never bow to Hazrat Adam. Allah kicked out devil as He didn't obey Allah's order. and the worship he has made during his life was wasted. Due to disobeying one order of Allah. The devil said to Allah that he will mislead to human till his soul is in his body. ANd ALlah replied to the devil that I swear to my Glory and Power i will forgive the human as many times as he wanted forgiveness. From that day the devil is trying to mislead each and every man in the world and Allah is forgiving the human who bows to Allah. Allah send his last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) to the world. Allah Loves His last messanger the utmost. Allah send darood on His Loved Prophet and the Angels do and Ask the human being to send darood on His last Prophet. Allah send down His book called "Quran Majeed" on Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). this is the only book which is safe and as it is as it was at the time of sending because Allah took responsibility of this book Himself. This book leads us to the right path and Allah explains each and every thing in this book. If something is not explained in the book His Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) explain it.

There i have tried to write about Allah a little bit i am unable to define even all the humans are unable to define Allah.I cannot write about Allah because if i start writing about  Allah than the storage of the world will end but Allah will not be define. If i have made any mistake please forgive me. Please Send Darood to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and pray Namaz.

Allah bless us and shower His Mercy on us.

Pray for me and yourself and take care.


Adeel Akram


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