Cristiano Ronaldo has won the golden ball

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Cristiano Renaldo have won the golden ball while three persons were selected for the award Lionel messi frank rebury and cristiano Ronaldo as well but the award was given to cristiano Ronaldo based on his performance during the year.

While he was speaking in the Zurich city of Switzerland he was crying that this was really tough tax for me let me thanks from my mother son and my wife they really helped me.

Cristiano Renaldo attended 53 games this year and scored in all these games around 66 goals which made him the best football player of the world besides that he faced in al classico matches with his historical rival Barcelona and he won Barcelona in these games as well.

Cristiano Ronaldo was the only player who won the golden ball award after another football player messi who won the award for four consecutive times and was known by some people the man of the history but Renaldo as well won the ball in 2008 and this was his second time and by this award included in the ten players who won the award more than once.

However Michel platini the Europe football federation head was opposite with the giving the award to Ronaldo and he was saying that frank rebury was the only one who was capable for the award no one else.           


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Esteqlal is the number 2 in the Premier League in Kabul. Esteqlal trains at the Ghazi stadium. The coach, Zaher Hasani, is a trainer for the national team and a committee member of Tolo TV, responsible for selecting the best player. 10 players from Esteqlal are selected by TV Tolo…

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