Cultivation of maize

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Maize is on 3rd number after Wheat and rice as serial crop.
Maize is rich in Carbohydrates, calcium and also in iron, due to little life cycle it is beneficial crop for poor farmers.

For the cultivation of maize first of we need to select part of fertile land having nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous etc.

Then we have to select seeds, in Pakistan now a days hybrid seeds are used for high production. These seed have defending ability against insects and disease


Then the seed is put into the soil and it will germinate after 3,4 days.

After germination the first time water is given to crop when little leafs appears.

Then 4 times more irrigation. 1 is at the time when it will grow more then 1 feet after this other 3 water spells are divided by the condition of field

We also remember to test the soil of field to know about the quantity of nutrients and for usage of fertilizers mostly Urea is used as common fertilizers .

After all these process the time comes when corns  developed and ripen enough that cant pressed by nail then cut the maize and take corn aside then dry these corns. Now corns are ready for use you can also get the seeds from corn by machines

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