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It is confirmed: if you're healthy intestinal flora dictate or ill
Increasingly more science discovers tiny creatures living in your intestines are there for a reason clearly. Known as the microbiome, about 100,000 of these cells demiliarde inhabit your body, especially the intestines and other parts of the digestive system.
In fact 90% of the genetic material found in your body does not belong to you, but bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms that make up your microflora.
True, some of these bacteria can get sick; for example, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases [US] recently found that Crohn's disease may be caused by immune responses to specific gut microbiota.
But most of these microorganisms are good, and they work together to aid the digestive system and maintain your health. The beneficial bacteria, better known as probiotics, along with an army of other organisms, are so crucial to your health that researchers compared them with "a recognized body just now." For example, we now know that your microflora influences:
Your gene expression
your immune system
brain development, mental health and memory
the risk of many chronic and acute diseases, diabetes, cancer of
According to an article on the topic of Time Magazine:
"Our Unexpected internal ecology lately become a hot topic. Human Microbiome Project Initiative as an extension of the Human Genome Project, has worked tirelessly to test the potential links between human microbiota and human health, and build strategies for handling bacteria, so they work with us rather than against us .
... They were connected with a range of ailments out, including obesity, arthritis and high cholesterol level. Now two new areas of research push the limits even further, looking for possible connections between the small intestine and creatures from two very different diseases: irritable bowel syndrome and autism "
The intestinal flora is investigated to assess possible links with autism and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
This is exactly on what Dr. Natasha Campbell focuses activity-McBride and her plan Nutritional Psychology Syndrome and bowel (Gut and Psychology Syndrome - Gaps - nutritional plan) is designed to restore proper intestinal flora in order to heal and seal intestines - thus reversing and eliminating the disease from a range that covers a number of diseases from autism, ADD / ADHD (attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity in children), learning disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, to name a few posibiltati. It is exciting to see that science begins to take this more seriously, as autism reach epidemic proportions.
According to the article on the subject in Time:
"Up to 85% of children with autism suffer from some kind of gastrointestinal disorders such as inflammatory bowel syndrome or chronic constipation. Research made public in 2005 in the Journal of Medical Microbiology and in 2004 in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience Research Proteomics and reported levels unusual metabolic compounds in the urine of autistic children, corresponding compounds present higher levels of bacteria found in autistic patients seats.
In 2011, a study published in the Annals of National Academy of Sciences found that mice with gut bacterial flora showed no abnormal movement and symptoms of anxiety, suggesting that at least some active intestinal biome is essential for normal development.
"Until recently, it was extraordinary to suggest that gut microbiomes could be behind this disease," said assistant professor of biology at the University of Guelph, Emma Allen-Vercoe. "But I think it is an intersection between the patient and the microbiome genetics and the environment".
Recent research published in the journal Science could take a much-needed light on the nature of persistent and difficult to treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The researchers infected laboratory mice with Toxoplasma gondiii, a parasite associated with deadly diseases transmitted by food.

Interestingly, when the immune system of mice responded to this parasite has overreacted and beneficial bacteria. In fact, while about 10% of T cells in the gastrointestinal tract attacking parasite, approximately 45% of T cells began attacking other microbes in the intestines. Moreover, once the parasite has been successfully removed, the immune system mistakenly continued to identify beneficial bacteria as foreign pathogens from the body, preventing the mice to recover completely after infection. As stated in Time:
"If something similar happens to people - either with Toxoplasma gondii or another invader - could be part of the way DURING to explain both the existence and persistence of disease SCI".
According to the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases:
"Team findings are among the first to demonstrate that T cells in the gut presents an immune response to commensal bacteria [normal microflora, 'commensal' in Latin means commensal effective, mass companion] during an infection. They are also the first showing that T-cells commensal remain in circulation after the infection is cleared. Based on observations of these findings, the researchers speculate that, when uncontrolled, commensal-specific T cells could contribute to the development of Crohn's disease, but more research is needed. "

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