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How would yoy define family values??.Family is one of the important things in our lives. Generaly the values are ideal situations that all families should have & follow. Every member of the family should have and follow each rules and stay true to them.

Having strong & well defined family values helps to make the family foundations stronger. Having strong relations in family is very important.
It is important that each & every member of our famillies feels that they are loved & belonged. Being a close family means spending time with each other.
Everybody is different so everyones feelings & thoughts should be taken into consideration& valued.

Spending time with one another is an important factor but must also remember to give each other time & space. Getting together for special occasions & holidays really helps bind the family together.

Respect in a family enviroment is to take each others feelings in to count. Age should not be a hinderance. Whether a person is older/ younger than you, every human has a right to be respected. Respect is earned......not demanded.
The only way to earn respect for yourself is to respect others yourself.
Respect in family will extend out of the home & into schools, work, and other social settings.


Honesty is the foundation in any kind of relationship. Without honesty no relations can continue. If we lose honesty, then hatred developes in the heart and conflicts start to occure.
If a family member does wrong in anyway, should try to forgive. Leaving things in the heart can just cause distances between each other......

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