Free and independent media

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The advanced societies of the day as the extent is larger and more Pyychydh , Zray well developed communication and information are the media like radio and television sound and vision , the printing press , as newspapers, magazines , books , and most of all new media like the internet and satellite TV is great progress . Media in democratic societies in terms of job responsibility or liability for , some partnerships together , but their specific functions are constant. One of these tasks is to provide information and education . Toward healthy decisions about government policies , he needs to have accurate and timely information . Another task of the press is biased even without imitation facts . Other ideas that the listener participation through media press may be used to gain a perspective of the Specifications . The role of the media during the campaign is more important , especially when a small number of voters the opportunity to visit and talk to the candidate may .

finally, the government will have to answer for their actions .
The media can play an active role in the public debate by commissioning research reports , to play , Vmnhys a popular gathering place for groups and individuals for comment by sending letters article or Nshrmzamyn the website , serve . Another important task of the commentators mentions that the media is >> << the agenda . Hrmvzv the media not to report on the basis that they should be non- publishable Nshrra issues identified and to Az resolution . In brief , the media must decide what is news and what they Drjmlh news topics not included. The decision to turn the awareness of the importance of this work is held in the minds of the public in relation to matters as to which is important , which disrupted . Unlike countries where the press is controlled by the government , democratic societies can not ignore the problem or change the form of government liking . But the media have full freedom to compete Tvjh indicia includes the various ways the public or their agenda , pay attention .

Citizens of a democratic country believe that through the exchange of ideas and views Finally, the facts will be displayed on the screen , and the progress will be opened .
A writer named B. White is stated : >> In a free country we press reliable and effective not only for the media, have excellent characteristics , but its relation to diversity . Large number of media, but each is different with respect facts , we the public have the opportunity to know the facts and stay clear .

sonia: basharmal

About the author


This is sonia last name basharmal from afghanistan Iam interested in writing and love singing.And I am a writter on Film Annex.

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