Gives Back - Clean Solar Gives Back $150 to Charity

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Gives Back - Clean Solar Gives Back $150 to Charity

Clean Solar is committed to giving back to the community. In fact, we see charitable contributions as an integral part of our business model as well as our corporate social responsibility. Clean Solar gives back to the community to be part of the solution to contribute to the common good and help individuals and families in need.

Clean Solar is actively trying to make a difference in the Bay Area and the world by giving to charitable causes and taking steps to minimize our effect on the environment. And when we give back, it feels good!

We provide a $150 charitable donation for every Clean Solar installation made in the name of the homeowner purchasing solar and utilizing Clean Solar for their installation.

Clean Solar’s total charitable donations: $200,000

We just wanted to do the ‘right thing’. Our original mission calls for us to give back. We wanted to follow through on that promise to our company,” said Jeff Ritchey, Co-Founder of Clean Solar.

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