"Gulliver's travels"

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Gulliver travels is a satire presented in the first person point of view, as a journal kept during Lemuel gulliver's verious adventures throughout the known world.Travelogues were quite popular during swift's time, and so his audience would be femiliar with such a style.Because so much of the world remained explored by Europeans.Guliver's repoets of the land would not seem as obviously fictional as they seem today.

The most significant aspect of Swift's narrative technique is the use of gullivee as an narrator.At first, he attention to detail and revelation of embarassing events leads the reader to trust Gulliver.He is an educated man-a surgeon,infact and he approaches each new situation with almost clinical precision.

Gulliver is a fictitious character invented by S wift to serve his satirical purpose in the book gulliver's travel.The book was notinnded as a personal memoir.Swift to serve his satirical purposes in this book.His object in writing it was to express  his ideas about mankind in general and about english peo[ple and english politicians and religious  institutions of that ti,me, in particular.

Guliver is primarily an observer and narator he is extraordinary powers of observation and he narrates all that he has experienced in such awful manner as to hold our attention throughout .But , in addition to being an observer and a narrator he is also a comentator and a medium throughwhom Swift conveys his message and criticism of mankind and its reactions to english institutions and english politians at that time. And these all things he described in four voyages.

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