Helping Disabled Afghan Kids: Operation Exceptional Child Moves Forward

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Although our online fundraiser didn’t go as well as we had hoped we are continuing with our plans to produce our documentary, Operation Exceptional Child (OpEx Child), to raise awareness about children with special needs abroad. For security reasons we will not be making any announcements via social media relating to our film and production schedule.  And while I will not be making any public announcements, I invite you to contact me directly if you are interested in keeping up with our progress.

For those who have contributed to help us make it happen for disabled children abroad, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  You should know that your support means so much more to me than just dollars - it is a vote of confidence in my vision for these special children and OpEx Child. 

About the author


I have spent the past 25 years advocating on behalf of my disabled daughter to help her realize greater independence and a better quality of life; it has been a life-lesson for me and the most difficult thing I have ever done. Raising a child with disabilities is challenging enough…

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