How to make money on Facebook

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video credits: Andy Hafell via Youtube 

How to make money using Facebook


image credits: Docxdrl via Bitlanders

Facebook is one of the largest social media networks in the world. Facebook has more than 2.2 billion registered members It allows you to stay in touch with friends and family, it provides an excellent opportunity to make money directly or indirectly. 

Making money through social media has never been more conducive than in recent times through Facebook. Facebook has the population and the desired targeted demography to reach the number of audiences you need in no time.


image source: Statista 

Facebook is ranking the world fourth most visited site  after Reddit. After realizing a lot of people spend more time on this social media network, how then do you utilize the opportunity to make money?

There are several tools already in place for users to make money on Facebook. The site allows the sharing of information like pictures, videos, audio and also text. Having all these tools present on social media makes it the ideal place to start making money.

How to make money on Facebook

Considering the already established fact that Facebook has more than 2.2 billion active users, several ways to make money emerged from the available market on Facebook. Let’s look into the following;

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Market Place is a free facility offered by Facebook.  It is a convenient destination on Facebook where you can discover items, buy items or sell products and services.


image credits: Docxdrl via Bitlanders

The important thing about the Facebook marketplace is that you have access to various products and services unrestricted.

How to access the Facebook marketplace

1.      Log into your Facebook Account

2.    Search for Facebook Market Place By typing it into the search bar

3.    Select the first result.

The Facebook marketplace is a community with over 200,000. likes. This provides with the market where you can sell absolutely anything legal. The important thing about this service is that you can enlist your item for free and get the buyers to inspect and negotiate the price for the goods and services you are providing.


image credits: Docxdrl via Bitlanders

A lot of items sold on Facebook Marketplace are rare items from almost every corner of the world.  you can also create a form of business environment where you can buy and resell products, all on the marketplace.

Advertising Your Business Directly  on Facebook

One of Facebook’s added advantage is that the social media site is the single largest common platform where from a single individual to the largest company, organization and firm have their presence on it. This provides the very opportunity to list your business and services on Facebook.

Common people without the marketing skills are promoting their business on Facebook. A variety of products and services are been advertised on Facebook from home-made products 


image source: Facebook

to household utensils and office materials without forgetting services like consultancy.  

With Facebook, the items enlisted for sales are limitless. Facebook also creates an added advantage to marketing by providing you with the opportunity to interact with your customers through instant messenger service. This facility is also found on mobile phones as an app, so even when not on PC, you can keep in touch with your customers and clients.

Utilizing the Facebook Free Groups

There are several groups on Facebook created by individuals for several reasons. These groups comprise of two categories, the closed groups and the Open groups.

Merits of using Facebook Open groups

With Facebook Open group, you can become a member at any time of your choosing.  It comes with the following advantages as


image credits: Docxdrl via Bitlanders 

Although you can post anything on Open groups, you have to post things relating to the group. With this, you can post your advertisement, sell a product and source for other products that you can buy and resell at higher prices.

In Open groups, you can also add members in order to increase the number of people on the group without the moderation of the administrator.

Merits of Using closed Facebook groups

Unlike the Open groups on Facebook, here, becoming a member is by invitation or application. Thus, the admin of the group decides your fate.


image credits: geralt via Pixabay

In closed groups, there are certain restrictions, these include restriction rules makes posting advertisement hard.  These rules help keep the post strictly related to the group. Whenever a member makes a post, the post will have to be vetted by the admin before the rest of the members can see and read the post.

Personally, I like the closed groups better. They are organized and adhere strictly to business.

How you can benefit from the groups

Just having a Facebook account qualifies you for the creation of a Facebook group. Opening a Facebook page is enables you to become a Mirco-influencer, for any purpose of your choice. Invite your friends, co-workers, other group members and grow the group population.


image credits: OpenClipart-Vectors via Pixabay 

On reaching the desired population, you can close the group and start influencing people, use that opportunity for bidding for advertisement to make money on Facebook. Influence the life of people and do your part in changing the world into a better place.

video credits: Justin Bryant via Youtube 

On a final note

Facebook is full of diverse opportunities for people to make money. First, there is an available market of more 2.2 billion active users. It is now left to you to utilize the already available tools for showcasing services and make money from them.

These are a few ways you can make money, please add a list of your own ideas in which one can make money through Facebook






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Simple, Kind and always keeping it real

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