How to write a blog and get paid

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How to write a blog and get paid:
Blogging or writing blogs start where that a person to be dominate in English language and especially in writhing section .before all, and after getting agreement of people who are at the top then can start to work after 2-3 days training.

I started to this work about 3 months ago, I usually help my school office in section that need to English language , because I know English a little that can solve my problem and others. a day my school office want me to came there an talk about computer progressing in Afghanistan, it was the first time I appeared against of camera, any way I can pass the first step.

Mrs  Roya Mahaboob and Mrs  feresheteh forough and other members of Film Annex and Afghan Citadel came to our school to established computer class and Examer process, and they want to speak in front of them.

Really it was very hard for me, and at the first I thought it was impossible because were lot of people in front of me and my age didn't request me that I stand in front of them and speech, anyway I could pass the second step good or bad. But this was a experience for me and I could achieve motivation.

Finally Mrs Mahboob said" for our, you must write topics about education in Afghanistan if you want work with our"I was one of person who accept from them, after that present of my first topic. I can dominate to everything after 3-4 days.

   Mrs Mahboob always notice several things, and that was this when you write blogs your blog must not copy paste from sites they must be from your idea and be general not very formal. And fortunately already I don't get my blogs from internet just it was Persian, and always it was my idea and I can be self-sufficient as a blogger and I write blogs such as and get paid.

Afghan Citadel and Film Annex was best that assist pour for realize of my wishes and I hope that I be one of main blogger in Film Annex company.    

About the author


Fatima Haidary, her second name is Hoda. her father name is Shamsuddin .and she is a student in eleventh class ,in Amir Ali Shire Nawaie High school in Herat city Afghanistan.She was born in 2 february 1997 in Herat city in a cultured family.and She is third daughter of her…

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