Importance of Shah faisal Mosque in Pakistan

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A mosque is the symbol of an Islamic society which is not only the place of worship but also the place of learning. The people's seek knowledge about there religion in the mosque. Mosque is the place where the Muslims becomes better there character and learn good manners and ways of spending the life.

In the whole world where the Muslims lives, the mosque must be present there. There are millions of mosques present in the whole world where the Muslims worship and seek the knowledge of their religion. In Pakistan, so many mosque worship and even in every small to small village and big to big cities.

The most biggest mosque of the Pakistan is Faisal Mosque. It is the masterpiece of an Islamic architecture. It was built in Islamabad in the year of 1966 first up when the proposal of construction of this national mosque started, Shah Faisal of Saudi a Arabia offered to bear all the expenses for the mosque and this mosque was the sign of a Pak - Saudi  friendships.

According to this , the name was decided at the name of his founder Shah Faisal Mosque. It is the most attractive and charming mosque and attract people towards itself. All the people who visit Islamabad both Pakistani and other tourists who comes out of the country must visit this mosque. There are four minarets at each of the corner and each minaret is 285 feet height. Visitors are allowed to go 190 feet height through the left.

The cantilever roof of the mosque is the largest roof of the world and its height is 140 feet. The big cantilever roof of this mosque is the largest roof of the world and its weight is 65 tone and it exist in sphere shape having 1100 bulbs.

The pool were present in all the side of the mosque. Faisal Mosque is also the international university and it has lecture halls, conference rooms and printing press. The total area of the mosque is 46 acres. It has a capacity that 10000 people worshiped at a time in the hall.

It is located at the foots of the beautiful and green Margala hills. It is decorated with beautiful stones mostly white marble is used which seems to be so beautiful and attractive. It is the biggest and beautiful mosque in the world.

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