Introducing new blog: Information Technology for Everyone

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Hi everyone,

with this blog I have the intention to publish various posts about the present and the future of the Information Technology World. I'll keep you informed about the new devices, computers,tablet smartphones and their accessories. In the next future I will realize video tutorial to help everybody in virus removals, in configurations about various programs and similar activities. In these days I hear from a lot of people the same old statement. " I'm scared when I deal with a computer or mobile devices, because I can make mistakes" I'll try to provide some answers, basing on my personal  statistics as a technical manager in a Computer Company and moreover I'll try to convince people that a computer is not a monster.

For example, are you really convinced that your choice is the best that fits your needs? Mac or Windows PC? I have both of them and in the next issues I'll put down a detailed comparative about pros and cons about Mac and Windows. And the final choice will be yours, because a computer or analog device is always "personal" and always customizable.

Do you know why your start page of your browser is no more the one you selected? I'll show how to restore your configuration.

In the next few days I'll publish the first post about the removal of a powerful virus, that fill up your hard disk and so that your machine will block.

In this introduction I put down only a couple of examples, I can find millions of useful issues to write about. We can also interact and if somebody has questions,curiosities and requests, I can develop these issues.tablet


Stay connected!!!!

About the author


I studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Florence and I've been graduated in April 2002 with a research and a Thesis in the railways field.I've always be interested in Technology so that since 2003,I work in a company of the Information Technology World as a Technical Manager.

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