Last forever!

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Hey, folks.

I'm getting prepared for the Guinness World Record, and there is something I want to share with you.
A lot of people ask me if it is really possible to stay without any sleep for 3-4 days straight; and the answer is 'Yes, it is'. However, you should follow some specific rules in order to not just last for a long time but also remain healthy. Based on my personal experience you should follow 3 mandatory rules if you dare to stay awake for a long time.
Rule 1
You need to be well rested. It's clear that good sleep can help your body and mind get prepared.
Rule 2
No caffeine at the early stage! Otherwise, you may loose most of your energy needed later. Instead, doctors recommend to eat fruits that fill your body with vitamins.
Rule 3
Work out! Keep in motion as it brings you the necessary rhythm and gets your blood pumping.
For me to stay awake for a long time is not a problem. Sometimes I am concerned about the quality of my performance. I am scared to suck on stage. In other words, as an artist I do care more about how good or bad I will appear during the performance. My goal is to bring a lot of energy. I do care a lot about how people, my spectators will feel during the event, and I promise to do my best in order to comfort everyone including myself.
I hope the event will be the most inspiring part of my life. It takes a lot of concentration though. I remember the last time when I challenged myself not to sleep... After the first day I felt as if i was on drugs, after day 2 I realized that my brain had to work harder... Then, as my organs tired, I ceased wanting to eat, and started realizing how fast I was loosing my weight. The only thing i craved in order to stay awake was Vitamin C drink, cause coffee was no longer helpful. on top of that it tasted horrible, and hurt my stomach... 
Be healthy, my friends.

About the author


Ivan K is a native of Mogilev, Belarus and has lived in New York, USA since 2009. Since 2007, Ivan has dedicated his life to achieving success in the Entertainment business. Over the past couple of years Ivan has written a vast number of songs, created his own music genre,…

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