League of Legends are re-defined eSports in Korean

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South Korea is a pioneering market where professional League from 15 years ago and the player has always been considered the superstar with the huge salary. The ability to access high speed internet world and the internet café at every corner is also a major advantage to nurture talent.

South Korea's enthusiasm for the online game can be started from Starcraft decades ago, but the "craze", now known as eSports, continues to evolve under the reign of League of Legends. Since launching in 2011, League of Legends has become the most popular online game in the world, and is also the highest-grossing game with more than a billion dollars in the last year.

Triggers the waves spread worldwide by the major professional tournaments are held directly by the developer Riot Games is headquartered in Los Angeles. "eSports has all the same elements with traditional sports as wrestling, team, WINS and losses. We aim to nurture the League of Legends became a sports game sports like soccer, and can enjoy the joy forever, "says Woody Rhee, Korean branch manager of the Riot said.

eSports has existed long before the arrival of Riot Games, but no company would jump into the field with such determination. They have nurtured and trained the team played professionally in these important markets, and regional tournaments held throughout the year, with the complete world finals. Riot company operates all aspects of the events, from theatre and music building to live stream online.

The final round of the World League of Legends Wednesday was held in Seoul in the year 2014 drew 40.000 people directly involved, with more than 32 million people viewed online worldwide. In this year's finals to be held in Berlin this past October salmon, a Korean team, powered by SK Telecom, has defended the Championship success and established the first history of the League."There's no doubt when the South Korean player is no. 1 in the world. But the players in the other country are getting beat with them very quickly, making the match becomes more attractive, "said Rhee said.

To this day, many game developers still don't have those interested in expanding their available game after a weekly sales initially. They will quickly step on the stage production of the new game. But Mr Rhee said that the Riot Games focus more on the amount of players are using the game and keeping the game was constantly updated. And that is exactly what makes passionate players with more products, as people still say: "League of Legends is easy to play but difficult."

South Korea is a pioneering market where professional League from 15 years ago and the player has always been considered the superstar with the huge salary. The ability to access high speed internet world and the internet café at every corner is also a major advantage to nurture talent."We consider South Korea as a magic ball to catch the future of eSports," Mr Rhee said. "We are not here to expand market shares. We want to create an eco-system with the players and the culture of eSports in General. "in South Korea, League of Legends was the number 1 online game in the last few years, with a market share of up to 40%.

Of course, in South Korea remain the public's negative comments about the online game, by their parents to study than the story seriously. Currently, 85% of this water game in between the ages of 16-30. "We need to understand that the game is ' a part of young culture ' in South Korea rather than a social disaster. I want to be play a role so that players feel proud and better communication with their loved ones, "said Rhee said.Along with the expansion of infrastructure to enjoy the game, branch, Riot Games in South Korea are also actively organized various activities to renew the awareness of the people about online game, such as works of art unique painting exhibition on the content and character of League of Legends.

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