Mutan ka Jwan(episode#8)

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Mutan ka Jwan(episode#8)

Baloach said to his brother,”it is not a tradition of our family to give our daughter to poor people.

We are khan of Multan.”At that time he ran away with his wife and his son to the hospital. All the doctor has been reached for a treatement but doctor come to his father Jabbar and said,”I can’t save your son’s life.All people with him began to crying and his father also died with his shock of son. After the two days passed away, his mother woke up and after the heared the death of his husband and his son,she began to crying with a loud shock.

On the next day Jabbar’s daughter reached to arrest her Uncle.But his Uncle’s Gunday caught her and round the rope of her.When the hero went to the police department then he knowns for heroine that she went to her uncle for arrested him.

Then he ran away to heroine and after reached him on his home gunday begans to shoot him,but he was a safe. Baloach order to his gunday, “Go to him and his pistol pulled away then he can’t some thing.”

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