Oil Industry of Saudi Arabia

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Saudi Arabia is one of the countries with biggest oil and gas reserves. but in 2014 the, Saudi Arabia has become number one Oil & gas producer through out the whole world. the exploration and drilling activities are boosting in saudi arabia.

Saudi Arabia have doubled the number of offshore and onshore drilling rigs in last one year and there are lot of opportunities for the people who are interested to get the jobs in oil and field sector.

At the same time the service provider companies are also hiring new people as they are short of the crew because of this sudden increase in drilling activities.so i urge, all the people through out the world to join the oil industry of Saudi Arabia, especially the one who are job less or have a very little experience should try their luck to get a good job. wish you all best of luck :)


About the author


Belong to Haripur Hazara, Pakistan but working in Saudi Arabia right now

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