Our PM wants the former captain of Indian Cricketer as a leader of BJP in WB

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Our PM wants the former captain of Indian Cricketer as a leader of BJP in WB

The new PM of India, Sri Narendra Modi is active and taking too many drastic step to control and progress the Indian situation from all aspects. His activities are very attractive because he thinks differently and finds a unique suggestion for each prospect. Likewise, he invited our famous as well as most controversial former captain of Indian Cricket team to lead his team as a BJP leader in West Bengal. Also he wants to setup “All India National Sports Council” under which all types of sports will be monitors and develop. For this council, he, our PM wants controversial Sourav Gangully to become Chairman.

These two proposals have been placed in front to Mr. Controversial, but till now he is moan and didn’t respond firmly. I think he needs time to think deeply and to take decision. Anyway, I will wait for his valuable step what he is going to do next. I am talking about honorable PM Narendra Modi as well as our former captain of Indian cricket team Sourav Ganguly.

article credit to me © &sweetmou

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