Radio without a battery the size of ants

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One more new findings in the field of technology that is no less amazing than the other findings. Some scientists make a radio without a battery with a very small size.

A number of scientists from Stanford and the University of Carolina make a radio without a battery the size of ants. Objects in the form of chips no longer require external power. Small shape of the object can be used in a variety of gadgets. However, the small size does not diminish its ability to send and receive transmissions.

This news reported by The Verge, the inventor of this powerful little thing hope that device makers can begin to use their work for the Internet of Things (IOT). It is true that there are objects that have previously been able to do the same as their creation. However, they make things cheaper and size also make it easier to carry anywhere. That's what the strengths and uniqueness of their findings.

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