Resetting the biological clock.

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Resetting the biological clock. Amazing process by which                           fatigue disappears immediately

A group of researchers managed to reset the biological clock of laboratory mice, and now looking for ways to do the same in humans.

The team at Vanderbilt University, Nashville (Tennessee) was able to stimulate, with a short laser beam cells in a region of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Before applying this stimulus, the researchers genetically modified cells of this nucleus.

By genetically modifying neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the researchers applied a laser beam intense, very short, in the eyes of mice. As soon as target cells were stimulated mice became very active, just like it deşteptaseră after a good sleep.

Suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus is a small formation, located just above the optic chiasm, optic tract crossing place.

The process of stimulating cells in the suprachiasmatic nucleus could be achieved in humans, but the big challenge is finding a way for the genetic modification of neurons in this part of the brain.

A convenient method such as injection relative to the modified virus into the cells. The purpose of this virus would be raising light in the suprachiasmatic nucleus cells. However, the use of a virus is a technique with a high degree of hazard, so scientists seek other methods, simple, safe and effective.

If we manage to create a device to reset the biological clock, those who want to recover after a sleepless night will have no problem in this regard. All of this technique could benefit those who often change time zone and suffer from a so-called "jet lag".

But beyond these applications, you must set and some even more important. The method could be used successfully in the treatment of depression, replacing some drugs whose administration comes to "package" with side effects.


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