Revenue Trend Looks Better

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It has been my habit to check my revenues trend as well as buzz trend daily like I just check what is going on with the graph. I am getting a good feeling whenever I stare at this graph above. But this graph is a bit different compared to the previous days that I had been checking this page.

I am not sure if you are checking this but as you can see there are new lines in that text box whenever you hover to the dots on the graph, this graph by the way shows the trend of the revenues or earnings we receive in a daily basis. So before, it would only show the the first two but now, it shows four. There's our revenue, there's referral revenue then unclaimed revenue and referral unclaimed revenue as well. 

This is a good update and there's more, you should have noticed the other bullet on the top left hand side which is for All time revenue and look at how mine is showing:

I find it really cute, it's becoming like a mount Mayon. There's only one thing that I am looking forward for them to update and that is the buzz trend. I wish for bitLanders to show us the info as to where we got those buzzes. I definitely believe that it would be better for us to get a certain page here containing those stuff in order for us to follow whatever item with buzzes had expired or about to expire and we can figure if there's any issue with our buzz points too.

Let's hope they'll soon add it! Good job bitLanders for this.

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