Now a days everyone knows that regular practice of yoga can gave much benefit to your health, Peoples do Yoga at their daily routine for a healthy body and free of stress mind because it gave inner peace to soul and fresh your mind. Peoples do regular practice of Yoga to gain or lose weight, Usually people complain that being overweight or underweight because of their genes but it is not true for everyone being underweight or over weight is not the fault of your genetic system, Yoga is much famous among in peoples because its help to gain or lose more weight and women gave first priority to yoga for reducing their weight.

Boat Pose yoga

Every day is not Sunday so if you want to reduce your weight without any side effect then you have to do regular yoga practice without any gap and keep do believe in this natural way, There are many type of yoga poses for weight loss including Bridge pose, Grinding pose and much more .

Bridge Pose:

In bridge pose you need to lie down on a plain floor and bend your knees in a way that you can place your feet on the floor and after that the distance from your feet and butt-locks must have to be equal likely your hand and after that try to move your body to upward and do this thing approx. 5 to 10 times. This pose can give good benefit to your thighs and back.

Grinding Pose:

This is much useful and important exercise to reduce weight of your belly. You need to sit in a relaxing position with straight legs and your legs should touch with each other’s but remember don’t bend your knees during this then join your hands and moves them over on your legs, Do this method at-least for 10 minutes and apply this approx for 6 to 8 times in a day, It can relax your legs,stomach and help to lose weight .

Boat Pose:

In Boat pose you have to sit down in a straight way and up your legs in air in-front of you, your legs should touch with each other but your knees should not be bend and after that place your hands along with your body and try to move your hands to upward or backward direction and during this you have to move your body same like as you are moving your hands, Do this exercise 10 times with giving time of 10 minutes  in each round .

Wind Releasing Pose:

Lie down on floor in straight position then up your left leg and fold it with your knee stretch it till it touch to your belly and for this you will need to lift your head little bit high and then do same thing with your right leg and when you will success to do this then bends your both legs at same time and try to do this step in same time with both legs , It will gave relax to your stomach ad help to reduce weight.


Cobra Pose:

In this pose you need to sit down on floor and forward your legs in-front to you then bend your body with arms and try to touch your toes with hand but don’t bend your knees for touching toes because you have to straight your knees for this position and be in this position at least for 5 to 8 minutes, It will help to create your body flexible and gave relax to your arms, back body and also help to reduce your fat belly.