Social Media and IT Classes, sustainable education

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Everyone will get its goals one day. The Majuba Heravi high school students got their results after a long time of studying. They showed their result sheets to each other happily, and were very happy from their school. They want to attend to the new classes and get more useful information.

The educational manager of the school happily said that the twelfth grade students graduated, they plan to put new great programs in their new curriculum. During the last week all the students attended in film treatment writing, storytelling and social media courses.


During the last week, beside the Majuba Heravi, all other schools were free and in vacation. For the first vacation week, Citadel Company held social media and computer classes in the schools. All, the students attended in the courses and want from the company to hold new more classes.

The new IT classes are being held in the schools for ten days. The students happily attend in this class and are grateful of the Citadel Company, filmannex and Women’s annex.

About the author


Mahjube Herawi School is located in the third district of Herat Province on Mokhaberat Street. It was named after a famous woman poet Mahjube Herawi (Mahjube Herawi’s real name was Bibi Safora and she was one of the famous Farsi pouter of Badqhis –Afghanistan. Mahjube has about 5,000 poems about…

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