Star Wars: Episode VII Rumors: Title and more!

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Can't deny that many of us are super hyped about Star Wars: Episode VII, to be directed by J.J Abrams, so much that we love to hear any little update even if they are just rumors, but this rumors come from Disney's headquarters.

One of them is a potential title: A New Dawn, that's one of many, but it's getting popular there.

And then another spy has revealed that the Millennium Falcon will come back and right now it's being constructed in Pinewood, and also the Mos Eisley Cantina! Will we be seeing Han Solo return to those places?

What do you think about the potential title and hints of where the story could develop, including the return of the Millennium Falcon? Sure, for every fan, the wait for Star Wars: Episode VII will be long, but soon, time will catch up!

    See you then, May the force be with you!


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