Story and Film treatment writing from Afghan citadel in Central Asia

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:Dear students

First of all, I am waiting for your more activities in social media to write blogs and story, Wish you greater success in all parts of your life. It is going to be hold a film treatment competition between the girl students in Herat Province of Afghanistan by Afghan Citadel Company. I wish that all you attend in this competition actively.

I am very happy from your recent activities during last week, and thankful of your recent blogs that put in Examer content creator. I am happy that the numbers of students who register in Filmannex platform are rising, and by their activities in this platform increase their cultural and scientific levels.

They share the non-spoken words with all people around the world. I hope that one day you become a famous, active and helpful person in our country that your school, family and society be proud of you.

Somia Azimi

About the author


The Houz-e-Karbas High School was founded in 1962 in Afghanistan. The all-girls school has approximately 4000 students, 92 teachers, 5 senior teachers, one education manager, and one administrator. Many classes are taught in tents. Film Annex built the first Internet classroom at the Houz-e-Karbas High School in May, 2012.

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