Suggested Telephone Credit Supplier by Zeeshan Khan

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A month before Pakistani Community was provided with Telephone credit of different companies inside filmannex shop but after that month credit card orders for Pakistani Community were stopped because there was no stable supplier who can easily handle the orders of members of the filmannex.

As I noticed about this I discussed this matter with MikeSweeney and Ellyn and I asked that why credit card facility for Pakistani community has stopped and removed from filmannex ?

Ellyn and MikeSweeney both replied me that we have actually an issue of the supplier from Pakistan and they also told me to find some best suppliers who can work with filmannex. So, I started and contacted different suppliers in Pakistan to work with filmannex. And I can proudly say that when they hear about such a great platform named Filmannex,  they were agreed to work by handling telephone credit sending tasks.

As I got satisfied from the supplier, I sent a message to MikeSweeney and Ellyn that there is a supplier who can easily handle all the work for Pakistani community.

I hope Filmannex will start again the telephone credit cards for Pakistani community again.



Written by Zeeshan Khan

About the author


I am working in Bitlanders as a Translator and writter. Profession: Electronic Engineer Big projects: Control system designing , Fpga controls auto Traffic light etc Member at: IEEE Future Plan: To work on drones for benefit of mankind. Aim: To finish the energy crises by giving my best to make…

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