Teenage pregnancy

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I was watching a documentary and one of the interviewed girl was only 15 years old and according to her, after the wrath of the said typhoon, it had been a trauma to her to see their situation that she don't even want to go out of the house anymore.

Teenage pregnancy had increased by 20% in the said place after the destruction of the super typhoon Yolanda. Doctors have said that parents of those children who gets pregnant at an early age today which live in their place have no time to guide them (maybe) as their parents are busy prioritizing their needs especially food and shelter that time.

Also, the lack of sex education in the said place as the church opposes to teach such at an early age.
I just hope that the government will look also upon this matter as getting pregnant in an early age is a big risk not only for the health of every woman but also their lives.



content is mine but is originally posted at bubblews.com

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