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The term ‘terrorism’ is derived from the word ‘terror’ that means an activity initiated to make people or groups of people to yield themselves or their ideologies to their demands. This is the school of thought which copiously supports the philosophy of might is right. In fact, terrorism is a movement which can turn the world into utter turmoil and disaster.

A lot has been done lately to curb this deadly ideology but unfortunately not to much avail. After the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers in New York, the whole world raised arms to counter terrorism, but six years down the line, we have witnessed that the excessive use of armaments has failed to bring peace to the people rather it has aggravated the lives of the people on this planet.

The question is what is wrong and why the success is not coming their way. The answer to this question is really interesting. George W. Bush, the captain of the anti-terrorist army’s crew, propagated the war on terrorism to make this world a better place to live in.

The American government with its allies launched an attack on the Taliban’s who resided in the tugged terrain of Afghanistan. During the Soviet Union’s occupation of Afghanistan, America trained fighters to use against the Soviet forces.

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