The thinker.

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(Caligrama thinker made by me)

The most famous sculptor Rodin universally represents the cross in our capacity as human beings: our ability to think and the power to transform the surrounding environment. Transmits a different emotion universal and particular to each individual, conveys something very human, a man of free spirit, determined to transcend, man needs to be cleared of all you can include to achieve true inner thoughts. It is the reflection of an internal struggle for meditation and to detach from the outside world to achieve spiritual balance shows that you can achieve abstracting from everything and seek emotional balance, is to propose it as any human being has that power , just not always try.

Rodin's Thinker is a call to reflection, the man is meditating and looking down, as a sign of wanting to see their own steps, where to move forward and achieve results should always look at the road traveled as a source of learning.