The Transition ❤

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Feelings are so deceiving most of the times. Earlier you were so happy after awhile you are now angry then perhaps back to your normal mood. Feelings are never constant, in just a matter of seconds or minute it could change everything.


The feeling of being happy at the same time sad and terrified. I know, sometimes you also experienced that! I dunno know maybe my excitement and fear are now creating a weird feeling inside of me. But one thing is for sure that He has a great plan more me. All i need to do is to prepare myself, be the best i could be, have faith and Trust in Him. 


The transition of being a Student to a working young adult really challenges me. But God never fails to remind me that He is faithful.


Yes, He is Faithful, mighty and Just!


I juat can't wait for this exciting promotion that You have given to me. All Glory belongs to You, oh God

About the author


Aspiring Artist • Saved by Grace ♥️

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