Tips On Ethics In Business Communication And Business Etiquette

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Tips On Ethics In Business Communication And Business Etiquette - Photo credit:, Edition by Amber255 via

Knowledge of etiquette was important at all times. You had to know how to behave at the table or at the guests. Now the etiquette knowledge is also helpful at work with colleagues, going to business meetings, criticizing subordinates.

Today, the concept of etiquette is greatly expanded because we are already talking about subjective communication, which includes the rules of communication, the efficiency of exchanging information and experience. Today it is not enough to be able to communicate properly by phone or to appear properly during a job interview. You should also be aware of the media label as they have become an important part of our lives. 

Both the subjective and personal etiquette define certain principles of communication. It's like the information we read between the lines.


Ethical norms of business - Photo credit:

After all, sometimes, it seems like a man did not say anything bad, and we feel uncomfortable, we feel disrespected, not appreciated. And this may have been caused by a person's posture, which also shows a degree of neglect, pride, a lack of attention. Then there is misunderstanding and communication becomes ineffective.

Ethics change the approach to the business world also. Business ethics serves to transfer the concept of business into a humane context.

The bad image directly affects sales, profits, staff morale, and the company's management.

An entrepreneur who violates business laws in violation of ethical norms of business, again - directly or indirectly - makes social, moral as well as economic damage. This means that the formation of an entrepreneur's self-awareness is not only a private matter of its own but of great socio-economic importance.

I already wrote about business ethics and culture and how it's important for the business world. Today let's talk about business etiquette and ethics in business communication.


Ethics In Business Communication - Photo credit:

Ethics And Practice Of Business Communication

Ethics - the study of morality. The term ethics was first used by Aristotle to denote practical philosophy, which should answer the question of what we should do to perform the correct, moral actions. The meaning of these rules and norms is strengthening mutual trust, constantly informing the partner about your intentions and actions, excluding fraud and disorientation of the partner.

The practice of business communication has developed for this purpose many professional codes of honor of an entrepreneur, a banker, etc. 

Business communication is understood as a type of social relations for the realization of a common cause, creating conditions for people to cooperate for goals realization that are meaningful to them.

Power of Ethics in Business Communication - Video credit:

Specificity Of Business Communication

The specificity of business communication arises on the basis of a certain type of activity related to the production of a product or business effect. At the same time, business communication sides act in formal (official) statuses that define the necessary norms and standards (including ethical) of people's behavior.

Like any form of communication, business communication has a historical character; it is shown at different levels of the social system and in various forms. Its distinctive feature is that it has no self-sufficient value; it is not an end in itself but serves as a means to achieve any other goals. In the conditions of market relations - this is primarily a maximum profit.

Ethical issues of business communication is the way by which individuals or groups of people exchange information between them.From end-to-end the process, effective communicators try as clearly and accurately to pass on their ideas, intentions and, objectives to their receiver.


Consequently, the ethics of business communication can be defined as a set of moral norms, rules, and ideas governing the behavior and attitudes of people in the process of their production activities.

The ethics of business communication should be considered in its various manifestations:

• In the relationship between the enterprise and the social environment;

• Between enterprises;

• Within one enterprise - between the head and subordinates, between the subordinate and the head, between people of the same status.


Tips On Ethics In Business - Photo credit:

Business Etiquette

Etiquette is the established order of behavior anywhere.

Business etiquette is the most important side of the professional behavior of a business person, an entrepreneur. Knowledge of etiquette is a necessary professional quality that must be acquired and constantly improved.

The ability to behave with people in a proper way is very important; it is the factor determining the chances of achieving success in business, work or business.

In one of Dale Carnegie's articles, I read that the success of a person in his financial affairs is 15 percent dependent on his professional knowledge and 85 percent on his ability to communicate with people in this context.

Business Etiquette Training - Professional Etiquette In The Workplace - Video credit:

 Business Etiquette Principles

Be punctual 

Make a habit of being at the time always. Punctuality is very important in the business world because it shows that you can be trusted, that you are a trustworthy businessman or employee. All works must be done also on time.

Arriving late was a way of saying that your own time was more valuable than the time of the person who waited for you. - Karen Joy Fowler


Maintain confidentiality

Any institution or corporation has its own secrets that should be kept by its employees. No matter what it is: the details of a new project, the internal deals of the corporation, anything - don't disclose it to others. We used to keep carefully the secrets of people, and the corporation has its own secrets too, so keep them the same carefully. 

 There is also no need to retell, make rumors to anyone outside or inside your workplace what you heard from a colleague, your boss or any subordinate. Neither about their personal life or deals about the work. 


 Business Etiquette Principles  - Photo credit:

Be courteous, friendly and show goodwill

The headline says it all. No matter what the hard situation you got today, no matter if your mood is bad or cheerful, and what the challenges you go through, always behave with your co-workers, clients, and customers only politely.

Respect for every member of the collective must also be maintained. No matter how fast the end time of the work or how much tension it is, you need to stay polite in serving your customers, communicating with your partners and colleagues. If even in difficult circumstances, the employer respects the opinions of others, it shows that he personally values each person and his professional contribution.

Politeness and consideration for others is like investing pennies and getting dollars back. - Thomas Sowell


Be attentive

Be attentive not only to your clients but also to those you are working with. Be attentive even to your subordinates. Listen carefully to colleagues and others opinion and respect it. Remember that people have the right to have own point of view. Appreciate the criticism if you get any and try to take lessons from it.

Even if you are self-confident, stay modest and value the experiences of other people.


Tips On Ethics In Busines - Photo   

Dress up appropriately

The main thing in business dress code's etiquette is to fit into your work environment by the level of your position. Try to look the best way, so dress up with taste. 

Clothing should be chosen according to your workplace, position, place, and time. It is essential for your own good to observe the rules of work clothing. Girls or women sometimes want to look attractive by revealing a lot of bodies, but often others see it as unpleasant. Especially at work. And even though that woman might get a lot of compliments, there will certainly be fewer serious business suggestions because she looks not serious and unreliable. What you will show, you will get it.

Speak and write in the correct language

It is understandable that you must use correct official language at meetings and never use swear words, raise your voice or talk too loudly. 

When sending any documents or official letters, also use only correct and without mistakes language. Even if you quote any other person transiting his or her message, everything you will write or say will be perceived as your own vocabulary. 


 Business Etiquette Principles - Photo credit: 

Methods Of Influencing Business  Subjects

Both in the process of direct and indirect communication, various methods of influencing people are used. Among the most common of them are the following - conviction, suggestion, coercion.

• Persuasion

Persuasion means when you impact other peoples through evidence, logical facts, and conclusions. It creates confidence in your words' correctness and shows that you have true knowledge. Persuasion is a non-violent, and therefore a morally preferable method when you want to influence communication partners. 

• Suggestion

Suggestion, as a rule, does not need to prove your words and does not need logical analysis of facts you have to influence other people. The suggestion is based on the faith of a person, keeping in mind his authority, social status, charm, intellect's superiority. There a big role pays the power of example, which causes a conscious copy of other people' behavior, as well as unconscious imitation.


Coercion is the most violent method of influencing people. It assumes the wish to force a person to behave against own wishes and beliefs, using the threat of punishment or other influence that can lead even to some undesirable consequences for that person. Coercion can be ethically justified only in exceptional cases.


Business Etiquette - Photo credit:

What Does The Business Etiquette Begin With?

Etiquette often seems to be outdated to young people, but today it is more necessary than ever for a young man, not only in his daily routine but also in his professional career. Etiquette begins with thinking how a person who is near me feels. It is also about understanding the importance of what we communicate in words, gestures, speech in public space, or in the profile of your social network. All this is very important for our success in all areas.

We all know what the first impression means. We have five minutes, sometimes less, to trust us. That is why we need to think about what we are communicating, what message our clothes, gaze, gestures emit, how we express what we say.

It is important not only what we say, but also how. I think it is harder to get working competences, and learning the principles of etiquette is quite easy, and it can be very useful.

Responsibility is one of the values expected of employees, so the manager cannot run away from it too. He takes personal responsibility for his actions and the consequences in any situation without justifying that something did not belong to him. It is necessary to acknowledge mistakes and use them for learning, then one can expect that the employees will meet high demands instead of blaming the circumstances.


Business communication ethics - Photo credit:

On The Final Note 

The man is a unique and individual being, but he is also part of society. So, in doing what anyone thinks is right, the public interest must also be taken into account. In reality, morality comes into being where it is beneficial for a man to be honest. These traditionally controversial things (morality and pleasure and benefits) can not only contradict each other, but vice versa - complement each other, intensify. Modern ethics is based on this.

Entrepreneur-friendly behavior is encouraged by the need to create something useful. A thinking person usually tries to create something long-lasting and valuable. Business is one of the human activities. Because human activity goes from man to man, it must first and foremost serve man, his well-being. On the other hand, the business also improves on the individual, giving him the skills to show his new quality: he becomes an entrepreneur.

However, it is important that his business does not cause and increase pain for other people. There are two moments here. First, the services provided by the business should not harm human health, abuse its nature, use disease or psychological disability.


Tips On Ethics In Business Communication And Business Etiquette - Photo credit:

Secondly, business should not undermine and, moreover, destroy human (public) ecological and economic space, damage health.

An entrepreneur should not forget that he is not alone in a market space and must, therefore, respect other interests, not to destroy a competitor, but to seek a mutually beneficial partnership. In a market space, we cannot be completely free: our freedom has limits, so it's better to act by current market rules and norms so that we do not violate other rights.

Etiquette requires us to admire the human race. - Mark Twain


 Business communication is the foundation on which trust builds.

 Stay Ethical!


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