Top 10 Healthy Tips for a Healthy Body

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It felt better when you are living in a healthy environment and have a good health and your body is also nourishing in healthy way. For every individual of any age, heath is a precious thing in world. So, the best way to keep your body healthy is to taken some precaution for staying healthy. Below are some top 10 healthy tips for a healthy body and by following it, you will get back to your normal routine life.

1- Drinking Plenty of Water;
The first and foremost step to stay and keeping our body healthy is to take essential amount of water daily in routine. Your body needs water to do functions properly and your brain is made of almost 70% of water. Maximum activities consume huge amount of water and lack of this lead to illness. So, for adults the recommended daily intake of water is 2-3 liters daily. You got astonished about this figure but that water will be used in routine to done tasks.

2- Routine Exercises;
For a healthy body, routine exercise is must in order to survive in fast world. Everybody knows that exercise is best for fitness of body, losing of overweight, digestion of food and also for doing the internal organs of body functioning properly. Exercise refreshed your mind, it boosted your body metabolism, and burnt a lot of fats of your body. It’s up to you how miles of walk you have done daily? But according to experts it is recommended to walk 3 miles a day. There are many exercises i.e. swimming, jumping because they help our body to work properly.

3- Eating of Hygienic Food;
Eating hygienic food help you a lot to do the basic function of body. Every single individual knows well if to stay healthy then first consume specific amount of energy from food. Our body needs proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and iron because we are living on these and lack of it, lead you to bed. SO, it’s better to eat hygienic food like green vegetables, fruits, pulses in proper quantity.
4- Relaxation & Sleeping;
Our body done many task daily from early of morning to end of day and for healthy body your need a suitable sleeping hours to keep fit. If you could not got rest, it let you to several disorders and diseases. If you read all those tips and took action but not avail your regular sleeping hours for relaxation then it disturbed your body function. For a small teenager, 8 hours sleeping, for a young guy 7 hour is minimum and for an aged person 6 hours of sleep is essential. For ladies who are conceived much time is needed for sleep as compare to normal ladies.
5- Rest To Work Daily;
We are living in the age where we are working like Robots and machines. We are working day and night but we are forgetting that our body needs rest because it consist of organs which functioned all task. You know if we over worked and don’t give rest to our body than it may lost balance. For both type of work including physical and medical a proper rest is needed. There are no strict rules for rest when you feel you are free than take some rest to stay healthy.
6- Co-curricular Activities;
For human being, in order to stay healthy and keeping in this fast life is to participate in co-curricular exercises. Our healthy mind is the base of healthy body because it controlled whole day of our task. Some refreshment should be given to sound body to stay healthy. The co-curricular activities involved chit- chat with friends, visiting parks cinemas etc.
7- In-door & Out-door Sports;
The games are a key to a successful life. Because these games demand mental seekness, your physical energy. For men, the outdoor activities helped you to a lot including playing cricket, football etc. And for ladies indoor activities are chess, snooker, and playing of cards improved their mental capability a lot.
8- Cleanliness & Refreshment;
The human body is gift of God, and it’s our duty to clean it and refreshes it daily. It soothes your mind and body and the most essential thing for cleanliness is water which left several positive effect on human being. It saves you a lot from epidemic diseases. It doesn’t hygienic for you but it sound and healthy body saves you from germs and worries.
9- Comfortable Dressing for Healthy Body;
In order to stay healthy and feel comfortable whole the day you did not needed to wear tight suites if you belong to any genre. But, it is preferred to wear comfortable dress because sometimes tight dresses and make up disturbed your healthy body and cause you ill.
10- Daily-Wise Schedule;
The tips could not be so good and beneficial for your healthy body if they not performed at the exact time. Food, exercises, sleeping, rest everything is suited to perform at the proper time otherwise, and this practice is not fruitful. So, it is advised to follow the daily wise schedule of healthy tips.



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