University of Engineering and Technology

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Meeting up with some old friends in high school and ask each other the questions very classic: Learning school? Teachers like? How will you? Having engaged in anything? After this the easy ko please? ... Over time they met was happy, but of course leaving some people back home how much time thinking ... It looks like the pink of life too pale immediate and bleak.
"Actions do? Now the few that did not ask to be anywhere. Know that every job application is all."
"Teachers and students exposed too. Early period of new students to the teachers to do something - that - one - well - know - is - what - what is" emotional "."
"You know they say the X is that? ... As feed for pigs. Sector anything, what subjects and open."
"Sector A, Sector B of the Medical School, all teachers go to work, bla bla, full resumes are ranked last. Xin the end only a few hundred million."
Maybe no one wants to live in such thoughts and the thoughts he is not unfounded. Whatever is heard too much about the time his sentence but not much surprised and a little sigh. Are people like to follow the path that goes there or close your eyes? 12 year plus a few years in the classroom has led University students, students who have just worrying because the Envelope know or have the chance to do what he likes and dedication stars?
It is one young man not fully understand the hardships he suffered her to apply for a job, but if this is true, man doomed forever just you? Does our youth have dared to change?
"I have to study, I want to study!"
Well, many people want too. Because maybe for many people, that as the only cure from black clouds on the road ahead.
No-one forbids us the hope that a prosperous future, no one forbids us to dream of a job was easy, no one makes us want to do what I like. But to say so, but do not really easy.
As a student at the threshold of life, you will make many wonder as his. Although it is impossible, firstly we must learn and burn youthful energy, doing things for the future enrichment. Tendler probably need much advice, words of encouragement were siblings to school and work that students do not have to ask: What profession do? Please work how?
Future not far away, I have little desire that later when the schools could still proud to say that: "UET is a decent choice in life"

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