Update translation program Mano Amiga Mexico: a day in Chalco

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This week Adriana flew down from New York and we went together again to our favorite school: Mano Amiga de Chalco. We were scheduled to have a meeting with the 12 students of the pilot translation program at the School. We got a meeting first with Lilia Garelli the School Director to evaluate the program. The students have now translated more than 52 blogs from different subjects: history, education, music, medicine, sports and many others.

Preeschool kids playing at their recess.

The School is very happy with the program because it is helping with their efforts to improve the students english level, they can practice their english, and learn new words. The program is going to be presented at the Mano Amiga Board of Directors for approval to be launched in all 22 Mano Amiga Schools in Mexico as of next school year starting in September 2014.

Group of boys doing their demo in the chemistry lab

As we were waiting for our 12 students, Lilia invited us to visit the chemistry lab and see the demostration that middle school students were doing of the "Maillard Reaction" (chemical reaction between amino acids and sugars that gives brown food their flavor). A group of girls were doing soaps, another group were doing caramel apples, and the last group of boys were cooking chicken with a sugar cover age. They explained some of their demostration in english and were very entusiast. 

The Film Annex students chatting with their English teacher Diego before our meeting

At last we had our meeting with 10 of the 12 students because Noemi and Mario went to apply for College. We started by asking them why aside their translation work they have not written personal blogs, and encouraged them to write about their personal interests: music, sports or anything they might like. Also we presented Film Annex Referral Program to introduce to all their friends and family so they earn 20% of their Buzz Score Revenue forever!

Adriana talking about Buzz Score

The best part was when Adriana announced the contest proposed by Film Annex to win an Ipad by writing the major number of  blogs starting this week, the students were so happy and encouraged. The final part was explaining Bitcoins: how does it work and the benefits of using this currency. They had questions for us and we did a demo of the new Film Annex Beta Version. 

Annick talking about Bitcoins

We parted ways very happy, they are starting their two weeks vacation this friday, some are going to be helping people in the most forgotten part of their town and some are going to rest with their families but all of them promised to keep up their good work and write personal blogs.

The Team Film Annex-Mano Amiga

About the author


Annick Charlier after finishing her MBA in Anahuac University in Mexico City lived for six years in New York City, where she worked in a charity organization that raised funds for education for underpriviledge children in Latin America. Upon her return to Mexico, Film Annex offered the oportunity to continue…

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