When Weekend Plans Go Awry!

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Ever have a weekend all planned out in the perfect way and then things take a turn? Well, I have and this is one of them. It is very cold here in the Northeast, so our plans were simple for the weekend. We were going to get out to get groceries and maybe a quick lunch then return to our warm home for some in-home projects and work. 

It all began as planned. We got our groceries and had lunch, but just as we were to return home, we received a phone call from a good friend. Her car wouldn't start and she didn't know what to do. Being it was terribly cold, we knew we needed to go and help her. When we got there, we were able to use our jumper cables and get her car started, but my husband decided we should follow her home just to be sure she got there safe and sound. Literally, this cold weather could easily cause a medical problem if you were in it too long. He was right about doing it, but I'm not going to lie that I was a bit disappointed with how things were going. I had looked forward all week to a nice quiet weekend at home, but what would anyone do? Well, help a friend, of course! 

The friend got home and into her house and we headed home too. On the side of the road less than a mile from home there was a tiny dog wandering. This is a rural area and tiny dogs don't just wander around, so we knew this poor little thing was lost in the cold. We stopped and fortunately he had a collar with the family name on it. We headed that way with the cold little pup on my lap. The kids were so excited and it made this extra effort all worthwhile. They had been so worried! One of them had accidentally let the dog out the door earlier in the morning and they had been looking and looking. Obviously, they were afraid of the cold and her being so little. Her little tail was going a hundred miles an hour when she saw her family! <3

Finally, we got home and I put on some comfortable clothes, sat down with a beverage, and there was a knock at the door! The family had brought us a cake from the bakery in town and a gift card for dinner another night! It was totally not necessary, but very generous! We had a piece of cake with them and I think we have made new friends! I also received a text from the friend with the car trouble stating she really is thankful for us. 

So when weekend plans go awry! I think you just go with them! You do what's right and not selfish because you'd want others to do the same for you. Happy weekend friends! I hope if your plans go awry that you find good on the other end of them! 

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