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In this era of fast and restless life, many people tend to love specific things or people, thinking that they are the sole source of peace for them and that they are the only ones who can care for them the most. This perception is true in particular if we take a look at Eastern life-style (as far West, they lost it way back) - the love of the family, and especially the mother and the father.

Like it is said, and it is very true as well, that you might get any other relationship in the world twice, but you can never replace the relationship between you and your parents. Parents, and especially mother - since woman is physically and mentally weaker than man - can never be replaced. A mother is like an angel who is always there to guard you, to protect you, to care for you and show you the right path. If I am wrong, then ask those who lost their mothers.

As a Muslim, I have read and heard a lot about respecting the parents, but I am sure that every other religion in the world teaches the offsprings to respect and love their parents.

When I started this blog, I said that many people tend to love specific things or people - things might not be right word here but often I saw people so much attached to their appliances like iPhone, etc. that I had to insert this word. Well, if we see the word people, then I have to say that so many times we fall for people who leave us one day, be it a friend, a girl friend, or even for that matter a wife. You can replace these people at all times, but you can never replace the parents.

Did you ever think that how your father and mother brought you up? Do you even remember you would potty and they will clean you? Or your bed when you peed on it? When you cried in the middle of the night while your parents were deep asleep, yet they came rushing towards you, to see if you were in any trouble. Do you ever think about these things which you forgot when you grew up a bit and started to think that you are as genious as Aristotle or Einstein and negating everything your parent tell you to do or not to do?

How many times and how many examples are there that the kids left their parents as soon as they grew up, passed their teen age and parted the ways, not even thinking if the parents need help, assistance, aid, etc. It can be physical aid, economic aid or even love and care they ask for. I am so sure that parents will sacrifice everything but need the attention from their kids and a warm relationship till the last breath. Alas, how many of us think about it?

I have one request - please, do not fix the date for love - be it for your parents or household. When you were a kid, your parents never celebrated kid's day for one day and forgot your for the rest of 364 days, NO! They cared and loved you every second. If they could spend each and every second for us then what makes us not to do the same when they need it from us when they grow older.

Please, do share this with someone you like or know - so that this might open their eyes and they might start to care for their parents.


About the author


I am Abid Khan. I am currently studying at 11th Grade and I love to make short movies and write blogs. Subscribe me to see more from me.

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