CHIMERAS by Mika Mattila

Uploaded on Thursday 5 December 2013


Two Chinese artists, two identities in crisis: the giant of contemporary Chinese art Wang Guangyi - considered the ‘”Andy Warhol of China” - and the young and promising Gang Liu. Through their lives and their parallel destinies Chimeras tells us about a time when aspirations come into conflict with the sense of identity and the values of modern China.

Due artisti cinesi, due identità in crisi a confronto: il gigante dell’arte contemporanea cinese Wang Guangyi - considerato l’”Andy Wharol in Cina” - e il giovane e promettente Gang Liu. Attraverso le loro vite e i loro destini paralleli, Chimeras ci racconta un momento in cui le aspirazioni entrano in conflitto con il senso di identità e i valori della Cina moderna.


Language: English

Length: 89’

Country: Finland

Creative Commons License

CHIMERAS by Mika Mattila by Festival dei Popoli is licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain 3.0 License.