Faryade Zan

Uploaded on Monday 18 March 2013


The history behind Faryade Zan:
We were so close to 8th of March and on TV and media we were hearing so much bad news about how women are killed, their nose is cut by their husband or family member, how they are executed because of stupid ideas and believe. Therefore we decided to sing a song and name it Women’s voice. Together with our good friend Mr. Shakib Mosaddeq we tried to shout out all the women’s problems that they have and wake them up and inform them about the rights that they have.
After singing it and broadcast it via Youtube, we got a lot of suggestion from family and friends that we should make it video clip to have more listener and viewer.
Although we do not have sponsor and making music video is really expensive, but our family supported us and we made the music video.
The music video is about a girl who is trying to make the music Faryade Zan, but in the middle of the music video she was kidnapped and taken to a place to be investigated and be punished. She never gave up and trying so hard she succeeds to run away from the place. There is another guy who is trying to paint a beautiful idea he has. He is trying to paint something beautiful but he remembers the violence against women and he got that women are not honored as they should be. So he becomes angry and removed what he started with the red color and then white and then black again. He is trying to paint something to show the women’s voice but there is nothing comes to mind. So he writes the words Faryade Zan.
Of course the part that the guy is painting can have different meaning from different point of views; we also let it open to the person who is watching it to get an idea by himself.

We hope this is also counted another step for informing women’s about their rights.


Language: Dari

Length: 2:47

Country: Afghanistan