Sydney Williams on the Philosophy of the Bonaventure Boys Home

Uploaded on Wednesday 17 April 2013


Sydney Williams is the General Manager of the Bonaventure Boys’ Home in the Cayman Islands. Sydney operates a twenty four (24) hour ten-bed Therapeutic Community Program that addresses the behavior and beliefs of the residents in a safe and nurturing environment. This program also provides a school based curriculum for all residents in the program.

Children and Youth Services (CAYS) Foundation was established as a Government Owned Company in December 2002 to provide rehabilitative program, educational support and positive social skills to court involved children of the Cayman Islands.

The Foundation assumed management of the Bonaventure Boys’ Home and the Frances Bodden Girls’ Home in January and June 2003, respectively.

CAYS provides a continuum of care through Bonaventure Boys’ Home (BBH) and Frances Bodden Girls’ Home (FBGH) in a caring and nurturing environment. The Foundation offers 24 hour residential care to children that are placed by the Court on various Court Orders.

Wherever possible, parents attend counseling to ensure that the youths’ relationship with their parents or guardian are maintained and fostered, thereby facilitating reintegration back to the family home, care giver or the wider community.


Language: English

Length: 1:45

Country: United States

Creative Commons License

Sydney Williams on the Philosophy of the Bonaventure Boys Home by bitLanders is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.