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Fish Albuvit Cork

Suadnyana Nyoman

Who likes to eat fish, certainly all like to eat fish right ...! This time we will discuss cork fish that would be used as a suppl…

by Bagas12

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The Thirsty Crow

Suadnyana Nyoman

One hot day, a crow was very thirsty and wanted a drink of water. It was a long way to the river and she was too tired to fly ther…

by Bagas12

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Suadnyana Nyoman

Butterflies are flying insect with large scaly wings. Like all insect, butterflies have six jointed legs, three body part, a pair …

by Bagas12

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Raja Ampat

Suadnyana Nyoman

Raja Ampat or "Four King", is the name given to some island in West Papua and comes from a local myth. The four major Island are W…

by Bagas12

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My Village

Suadnyana Nyoman

the name of my village is Karangasem. it is situated on the North of Bali. my village is separated from other villages by the main…

by Bagas12

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