Browse all Le-Van-Truong's Blog Posts

My story (P.3)

Lê Văn Trường

I have saved her phone number. We still talk crap few days. Then I went to the South West in my country. That's Dong Thap. Suddenl…

by Le-Van-Truong

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My story (P.2)

Lê Văn Trường

Then the next day, my facebook online more frequently. I waited for her nick to light up and talk. I do not know anymore. Just rec…

by Le-Van-Truong

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My love story P.1

Lê Văn Trường

I happened to wander on Faceook at midnight. Meet a few strangers online. Actually, before I do often have a habit of making frien…

by Le-Van-Truong

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